See how one teacher is using Mahara portfolios to check in on her students during Daily 5 rotations.
Start the Year Off with Mahara Portfolios
Are you ready to start the year off with student portfolios? Check out the Mahara Workflow below! Each step contains a how-to video, suitable for teachers and students alike, designed to help students create dynamic and creative portfolios that showcase their best...
Teaching our Students the Importance of Actionable Feedback
As teachers, we know that providing feedback to students is extremely important to their success. Timely, actionable feedback provides students with the necessary tools they need to improve their learning. Now, that lesson is being passed down to our students at...
S.O.S. for Mahara Users
Getting Your Feet Wet For those who may be unfamiliar, Mahara is our ePortfolio program, and has become very popular among teachers across the district. Mahara is a clean, bright platform used to display videos, pictures, and text. It can fully integrate with Google...
Bryant’s Online “My Learning Plan”: Year 2
Over the next couple weeks, students will begin creating pages on Mahara, Dearborn’s ePortfolio system. These MLP pages will include their NWEA scores, their academic goals for all of the core areas and extended core, and their personal goals. And each team of teachers is currently thinking of ways to help students showcase even more of who they are using these pages.
Go [Digital] Eagles!
This year, I've been working with an amazing team of sixth grade ELA teachers at Bryant Middle School to make the transition to implementing My Learning Plan on a digital platform using Mahara. Previously, the team was introduced to Mahara and some of the...