
by | Jan 29, 2016

ePortfolios are powerful tools to allow students to create, collect, organize, and share their best work.  Dearborn students have access to the acclaimed Mahara Online ePortfolio system.

Copy of Copy of MLP (1)

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Mahara is available through iLearn, and integrates closely with iLearn.  Students can upload their best writing samples, presentations, and pictures of projects and display them in a format of their choice.  Then, students control how their information is shared–whether with individuals, groups, or with the public.

Mahara is a great platform for the district’s My Learning Plan initiative.  For ideas on how to get started on My Learning Plan with Mahara, click the logo to the right.


Take look at why you should get your students access to Mahara.

Check out this playlist of videos that help to explain what an ePortfolio is.

Here are some quick tutorials to help you get started.


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