Bob and Amy are available for virtual Tech Coach meetings! To set up an appointment with either Bob or Amy, click on the appropriate button located at the top of the Tech Coach homepage. After selecting your choice of meeting times, you will receive a calendar...
Hala Dakroub
Customize your Waiting Room in Zoom
Did you know that you can customize your Waiting Room in your Zoom meetings? Think about the possibilities! You can pose a math Problem of the Day, post a topic you will be discussing, or even a riddle!
Locating Standards for Special Area and Elective Teachers
If you teach Health, P.E., Technology, Music, Theater, or Art, this post is for YOU!
Resources for Digital Citizenship and Student Norms (Lower Elementary)
We continue to work on resources for teachers to use with students, and will release them as they become available. We’re happy to say that the Digital Citizenship course for PreK-2nd Grade is now ready!
Tech Tip Tuesday: Copyright Infringement
The Dreaded Email As a Tech Coach, one of the most dreaded emails that always sends a slight wave of panic through me begins with the subject line: DMCA Violation Notice. In a nutshell, someone, somewhere has violated copyright on their blog, and the post must be...
Tech Tip Tuesday: YouTube Speed Adjustment
Did you know that you can adjust the speed of how quickly you watch YouTube videos? You can speed up or slow down a video, depending on your preference. Check out how below!