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Streamlining Specials in Schoology
One way classroom teachers can help students and parents navigate Schoology is by including a folder of links to special area teachers’ courses within their own course. If done properly, students will never have to leave the classroom teacher’s Schoology course to visit another teacher’s course.
Some More Practical and Fun Zoom Tips
Here are a few more tips you may not know about that may help make yours and your students' lives easier (and maybe less stressful) as you continue to make your way through the year with Zoom. 1. Split Screen (Chromebook) You can use these buttons on a Chromebook to...
Tech Coach Office Hours Have Begun!
It's time! Our office hours have begun! We are available Monday through Thursday, from 9-10 and 1-2 for open office hours. Just click on the yellow Enter Zoom button at the top of our blog! See you then!
Tech Coach Office Hours Available Next Week
The back-and-forth of email isn’t always the best way to troubleshoot issues, so we have decided to try something new: TECH COACH OFFICE HOURS!
Preparing Sub Plans in Schoology
Considering the nature of the situation in which we find ourselves at the present time, it would be wise to prepare a couple days of emergency sub plans in your Schoology course. One way to do this is to create a folder that will forever sit at the bottom of your...
Schoology Student Resource Kit
Schoology has provided a plethora of resources for teachers, students, and parents. Most of these resources can be found on YouTube. This post will talk about some resources to help students.
Sharing Your Rubrics in Schoology
Well-made rubrics can be a valuable means of communicating student expectations and giving standardized feedback on student work. Just as importantly, they can be an essential tool in supporting a viable curriculum when shared among teachers in a PLC. Fortunately,...
Create Editable Worksheets in Schoology with Google Drawings
In addition to the methods I posted on recently on how to allow students to draw, write and annotate in Schoology, here's another way to create an assignment that students can write on. This method involves using Google drawings, which you can access by going to...
You’ve Got Company!
Did you know that you can enable a sound notification in Zoom that lets you know when someone has entered or left your meeting, or if someone is in your waiting room? Well you can!
Have Students Annotate or Show Their Work
One popular request we've had from teachers of multiple disciplines and levels is this: How can I have the students annotate or show their work on Schoology? There are a few ways to do this. One way is to create an assessment in Schoology and add a question of the...
Student Engagement Hacks in Schoology
As you have already found, there are many avenues teachers can take within Schoology to engage students in the learning process. Schoology has assembled a crowd-sourced publication with 27 strategies for engaging students further. Before you get too excited, know that...
Increase the Visual Appeal of your Schoology Page
There are several ways to make your Schoology Course page more aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. You can find many of these methods with a quick Google or YouTube search. The video below shows one teacher's method for doing this. If you view the video on...
Make Your Remote Learning Norms Clear
With all of our new tools and despite the fact that efforts have been made to simplify things for students, parents, and teachers, there are still a gazillion combinations of ways to do things within each of these tools. Students approach our classes, wondering: Where...
Linking Zoom on Schoology: The External Tool
One way to link Zoom in Schoology is to create meetings and simply add the link to your Schoology page. Another way to link to Zoom in Schoology is to use the External Tool. To do this, In Schoology, Click Add Materials (or hover over one of the section dividers)....
Zoom Tip: Turn OFF Private Chat
One way to help maintain focus in your Zoom classroom is to disable private chats within Zoom. You can set this for all of your Zoom meetings. Here's how: In your Zoom Dashboard: Click Settings.Click In Meeting (Basic).Make sure the Private Chat setting is OFF (gray,...
Using Google Drive Assignments in Schoology + Tips/Troubleshooting
Teachers are able to use an app to allow them to create Google Assignments in Schoology. These work similarly to the ways Google Classroom assignments work. To use Google Drive Assignments, the teacher must first add the app. Here's how: In Schoology, click the Apps...
Reminder! The Tech Coaches are Here for YOU!
Bob and Amy are available for virtual Tech Coach meetings! To set up an appointment with either Bob or Amy, click on the appropriate button located at the top of the Tech Coach homepage. After selecting your choice of meeting times, you will receive a calendar...
Customize your Waiting Room in Zoom
Did you know that you can customize your Waiting Room in your Zoom meetings? Think about the possibilities! You can pose a math Problem of the Day, post a topic you will be discussing, or even a riddle!
Students Having Trouble Joining Your Zoom?
Some students are receiving a message that reads "This meeting is for internal use only sign in…" Not to worry--they simply need to sign in. Students need to be logged in to their district Google account and log into Zoom via Google using this same district account in...
Locating Standards for Special Area and Elective Teachers
If you teach Health, P.E., Technology, Music, Theater, or Art, this post is for YOU!
View Participants Lists for Zoom Meetings
In order to track participation in your Zoom classes, you may want to utilize the Reports feature on your Zoom Dashboard. You can access your Reports at the bottom of the menu on the left once you are logged in (see below). After you click on reports, you will find...

Technology for Lifelong Learning
Our Goal
The goal of instructional technology coaches is to help teachers become effective at using technology to provide the most technology-rich, positive learning environments possible. To this end, we believe effective teachers…
- Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.
- Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments.
- Model digital age work and learning.
- Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.
- Engage in professional growth and leadership.
from Standards for Teachers.