Having Trouble Opening Links to Other Sites in Schoology?

by | Dec 2, 2020 | Schoology, Tech Coach Tip | 0 comments

Teachers are running into an issue where they want students to open up third party apps and sites in Schoology, but it’s not working. If you are experiencing this issue, try these suggestions.

Copy the Direct Link

Make sure you have copied the direct link to the activity. If you copy the link to a website, students won’t know where to go when they get there, so having a direct link to the assignment is important. Many sites will offer the option of copying the direct link, but you might have to search for this option. Watch how to get a direct link for an eBook in Benchmark below.

Options: Display in New Window

Another issue that may arise from adding links to Schoology is the issue of embedding. By default, Schoology wants to open the link within the Schoology window. Some websites don’t like that, and you will get an error or a graphic of a piece of paper with a frown face. To remedy this, try changing the way the link opens in the Options menu for the link. A video of how to change this is provided below.

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