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Tech Tip Tuesday: Build in Feedback (Teach While you Test)
One thing that is contributing to the sense of despair students feel in the midst of all the testing is the fact that they are on to us: they know that most of the testing they’re doing just allows us to gather data on them without having much immediate impact on their lives. [Read time: 1.5 min]
Supporting Students in Learning Vocabulary
Supporting students in their acquisition of new vocabulary is one of the most critical components of our teaching. Teachers who use Moodle (iLearn) have an advantage in this sense. Creating a glossary and setting it to auto-link vocabulary allows a teacher to enter...
Tech Tip Tuesday: The Many Uses of Screencasting
What is Screencasting? Many of you are aware of a free screencasting tool available to you and your students, called Screencastify. If you aren't, Screencastify is a user-friendly tool to record your computer screen and allows you to record voiceover as well....
Tech Tip Tuesday- Locking the Background in Google Slides
Oftentimes, teachers ask if they can lock the background on a Google Slide. Fortunately, not only is the answer yes, but there are a few different options for locking things down in Google Slides. One option is to set the background of the slide to the image you want...
Tech Tip Tuesday: Fun With Version Histories on Google Docs
Google Docs’ Version History feature can empower students to engage in rich conversation about their writing [Read time: 2 minutes]
Assessments, just like anything else that happens in our classrooms, are learning experiences. But the way we administer them may cause students to learn false information. [Read time: 2 min]
What’s Your (Instructional) Problem?
The key to meaningful technology integration in our classrooms [Read time: 1 min, 36 sec]
Tech Tip Tuesday: Have students create interactive timelines
There’s a great and relatively simple way for students to create interactive digital timelines using a Google Sheet template and a couple easy steps [Read time: 2 min]
DuVall Students Visit Antarctica (Virtually, Of Course!)
This Monday, I was fortunate enough to be invited to Kelly Cibasek’s third grade classroom at DuVall Elementary, where her class and Liz Morrison’s class took part in an internet Skype interview with a real, live field biologist. Jean Pennycook is currently stationed in Cape Royds, Antarctica, where she studies Adelie penguins. She follows them through their daily lives in the frozen tundra, observing and recording their behaviors such as feeding, breeding and child-rearing.
Students Seeking and Evaluating Feedback
What happens before and after a Moodle Workshop is just as valuable as what happens during.
Reminder: Free May Not Always Be Free
We need to invest our time and energy, and that of our students in what is sustainable: in the tools that we can build over time and that will not be swept out from under our feet too easily. But we also need to help students develop habits that can withstand change in online tools, to establish ways of doing things that acknowledge that tomorrow could be entirely different, and to be able to do things in a variety of ways.
Tech Tip Tuesday: Giving Students the Power with Cast for Education
Did you know that it is possible for students to project their Chromebook screens onto the same board teachers use? Now students can use Google Cast for Education to share their work with the class right from their workspace. No more huddling around Chromebooks!...
Tech Tip Tuesday: YouTube Channels for Story Read Alouds
More and more, teachers are asking about websites for students to listen to stories being read to them aloud. While you may be tempted to create your own videos of staff and students reading stories out loud and posting them on blogs, please be aware that in most...
There’s a difference between students writing goals and students actually having goals. And what does technology have to do with setting goals anyway?
The first installment in unpacking the ISTE Standards for Students with practical ideas for teachers. Standard 1, Indicator 1a, Part 1.
The Devil is Not in the Technology
Technology is not inherently harmful. But it does have a way of amplifying our character traits. Think about how many emails you’ve sent that you wish you hadn’t. It’s also not inherently beneficial, either. One battle we have fought in education and continue to fight is the battle of “we’re using technology, so everything must be all good.” This is far from the truth. The goal with educational technology should not simply be to use more technology.
The “Find 3” Lesson Model
I’d like to propose a model for a technology-infused lesson that could be modified to fit any curriculum, any topic, almost any level. Over the past several years, among other things, I’ve tried to develop a tangible, realistic way for students to engage in inquiry, harness the power of technology and learn to do the things they will need to be able to do in the real world — and for teachers to spend their time being facilitators, guides, and coaches of their students. This is where I’m at so far…
Tech Tip Tuesday: Converting PDF to Word & Google Docs
One of the things we are often asked is for a good way to convert PDF documents to Word or Google Docs. There are several resources available to do this, none of which really do a consistently good job of it. However, one was brought to my attention recently that actually works pretty well and is quite consistent…
Moodle: It’s not just 4 nerds.
Over the past 12 years, many teachers in our district have tried using Moodle (in Dearborn, we call our Moodle site iLearn). A few absolutely took off with it. Many of those teachers are still using it, and at increasingly higher levels each year. Most, however, got...
The Ramblings of Bob Harrison, Father of Four
Please allow me to get a little personal with this one: My point of view from another role.
Tech Tip Tuesday: Embedding YouTube Videos into Google Slides
Did you know you can embed a YouTube video into a Google Slide? And it's pretty simple, too! When in Google Slides, navigate to the slide in which you want to embed your video. Click the Insert menu, and select Video. You can search for the video on YouTube, or,...
Tech Tip Tuesday: An Alternative to Tri-folds
Students love to unleash their creativity by creating elaborate tri-fold boards or brochures. Can we give students another option? How about using Google Drawings to create interactive poster boards? By using Google Drawings, students can create colorful multi-media...

Technology for Lifelong Learning
Our Goal
The goal of instructional technology coaches is to help teachers become effective at using technology to provide the most technology-rich, positive learning environments possible. To this end, we believe effective teachers…
- Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.
- Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments.
- Model digital age work and learning.
- Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.
- Engage in professional growth and leadership.
from Standards for Teachers.