With all of the Zooming going on around the district, we are aware of an issue with some Chromebook microphones. The good news is, updated Chromebooks now give you the ability to adjust your microphone volume.
Transforming Learning
NEW in October: Live Zoom PD Sessions with the Tech Coaches | Tech Coaches’ Corner
The Tech Coaches are excited to announce the return of Tech Coaches' Corner: synchronous Zoom PD sessions for educators on various topics that will help you use and further integrate district-provided technology to help your students learn. Throughout October, we'll...
Some More Practical and Fun Zoom Tips
Here are a few more tips you may not know about that may help make yours and your students' lives easier (and maybe less stressful) as you continue to make your way through the year with Zoom. 1. Split Screen (Chromebook) You can use these buttons on a Chromebook to...
Preparing Sub Plans in Schoology
Considering the nature of the situation in which we find ourselves at the present time, it would be wise to prepare a couple days of emergency sub plans in your Schoology course. One way to do this is to create a folder that will forever sit at the bottom of your...
Sharing Your Rubrics in Schoology
Well-made rubrics can be a valuable means of communicating student expectations and giving standardized feedback on student work. Just as importantly, they can be an essential tool in supporting a viable curriculum when shared among teachers in a PLC. Fortunately,...
Create Editable Worksheets in Schoology with Google Drawings
In addition to the methods I posted on recently on how to allow students to draw, write and annotate in Schoology, here's another way to create an assignment that students can write on. This method involves using Google drawings, which you can access by going to...