Stout Middle School: A Technology Integration Profile

by | Mar 21, 2016 | Google Apps for Education (GAFE), iBlog, Moodle, Transforming Education, Transforming Learning | 0 comments

woman-typing-writing-windows (1)Teachers in buildings across the district are integrating technology in a variety of ways. Here’s a quick look at how one building — Stout Middle School — is using technology to create emerging opportunities for students:

  • Leon Vietinghoff’s Blog. If you haven’t checked it out, you need to! Mr. Vietinghoff is using his iBlog as a tool for teaching and learning, communicating effectively with parents and students, and for inspiring and encouraging students.


  • Peter Bloye’s iLearn Course. Mr. Bloye incorporates tons of technology into his lessons–from YouTube videos to Google Docs. stoutAnd he operates all of this from the central location of his iLearn (Moodle) course.



  • Many teachers, including Lisa Klemetson and Katherine Peltz are using Google Classroom to streamline the workflow of distributing, giving feedback, and collecting Google Docs and Google Forms. They use Google Classroom to have students do math activities on PDF documents.GoogleClassroom3


  • Sixth Grade Math teachers are getting started with some of the features of iLearn (Moodle), such as giving quizzes and embedding flashcards, using some of the iLearn materials created by teachers Ms. Tina Cosenza from Bryant and Mrs. Kimberlee Crispin from Woodworth.


  • The Merry Media Specialist _ Mrs. Acker's Media Blog - Google Chrome 2016-03-21 14.08.04Cassie Acker’s Battle of the Books. Students, teachers, and parents had the opportunity to tune into the live stream of Mrs. Acker’s Battle of the Books on YouTube and saw how she’s getting students excited about reading!



These are just a few of the examples of how teachers at Stout are effectively integrating technology into instruction for the sake of student learning.

Keep up the great work, Falcons!

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