Coaching with Kinders

This school year, I had the pleasure of working with three kindergarten classes and their teachers. I was amazed by the talents of these five-year-olds!

Attention Teachers of Students Grades 5-12!

Here is an opportunity to share with your students- from the Michigan Council of Women in Technology!

Leaving Dearborn: A Tribute to Heroes, Visionaries, Friends, and Students

It is with bittersweet emotion that I announce my departure from the Dearborn Schools. On May 2, 2023, I will be joining the team at Wayne RESA as the Learning, Innovation, and Technology Consultant. Dearborn has been my home for 23 years as a teacher and technology...

GPT-Proof Writing Prompts

Here are some examples of ELA (English Language Arts) prompts that are designed to be GPT-proof: Write an original short story about a character who experiences a major life change, such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, or going through a personal crisis....

What do the Technology Coaches do?

Like most other districts across the country, the Dearborn Schools employs Technology Coaches to support teachers, students, and administrators. But what exactly do they do?

Giving Audio Feedback on Student Work + Tips

“Hundreds of studies of feedback have been published and reviews of these studies routinely conclude that feedback is the most important or nearly the most important variable affecting the amount and quality of student learning.”

Among my favorite things about educational technology is that it can help teachers give more effective feedback. One way to do that is using audio feedback.

Resources to Start the New Semester

As we get started with a new semester, here are a few resources and reminders to help you get started on the right foot.

Encountering AI in Student Writing

There’s a lot of buzz lately about AI in writing. How do we counter this phenomenon? What should we definitely not do? And can we actually work with it?

Before You Hit Send

Some additional thoughts on email if you’re an educator…

Email for Teachers

One of our most useful tools and, sometimes, one of our greatest sources of torment is email. When things go well, it can be our greatest ally in communicating effectively with students, parents, and colleagues. However, it can also be a source of tremendous stress if...

Stayin’ Alive Center

Check out the Tech Coaches’ Podcast
ArchiTECHs of Learning

Our latest blog posts…

Come ‘Hangout’ With Us!

Come ‘Hangout’ With Us!

By now, you have (hopefully) heard about our upcoming Coaches' Corner session on Moodle (iLearn) quizzes.  If you are interested in joining our session and would like to be an active participant from the comfort of your own classroom, then sign up today!  We have...

Mr. Bloye’s Mega-Moodle Course

Mr. Bloye’s Mega-Moodle Course

Because Moodle is the most versatile tool available in allowing teachers to make resources available and to allow students to interact with the content digitally, many teachers are now using Moodle (iLearn) as their online launch pad. One teacher who is maximizing the...

Google Docs PD

Google Docs PD

Yesterday, the Tech Coaches went live online with our first Tech Coaches' Corner on Air. This will be an ongoing segment of our recurring Tech Coaches' Corner sessions. This mode comes with a few benefits: teachers can participate without having to go anywhere, and...

Using rubrics to give feedback on iLearn (Moodle)

Using rubrics to give feedback on iLearn (Moodle)

One of my favorite features of iLearn (Moodle) is the ability to use rubrics for grading pretty much any type of assignment. Once an assignment is created, teachers can create a rubric of their own or adopt one of the several already-published rubrics available. They...

girl logs into Chromebook with student number written on card

Technology for Lifelong Learning

As technology increases exponentially, learners in the 21st century have the opportunity to go far beyond the boundaries of the traditional classroom.  The available technology provided by the Dearborn Schools allows students to interact in the digital community, collaborate with peers, and engage with the world from their seats in our classrooms.  The possibilities for learning know no boundaries online.  Learn how to help students become lifelong learners in the digital community.

Our Goal

The goal of instructional technology coaches is to help teachers become effective at using technology to provide the most technology-rich, positive learning environments possible.  To this end, we believe effective teachers…

  1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.
  2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments.
  3. Model digital age work and learning.
  4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.
  5. Engage in professional growth and leadership.

from Standards for Teachers.

collage of students working on Moodle

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