"Collaborative annotation can help connect students and teachers while they keep their distance to safeguard their health during the current crisis. Reading alongside and interacting with each other using Hypothesis is about as close to a seminar-style experience as...
Amy Gwizdz
Good News!
The recording from today's hangout on technology help is ready! Click on this link to view the recording: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RAFG2z81zF4a04ttZaqofkKw1JlMXxUW Click on this link for the chat transcript:...
Screencasting and iLearn Q & A Recordings are Now Available!
The recordings from yesterday's Google Hangouts for screencasting and the iLearn Q & A are now available to view. Click on the links below to see each video. There are also transcripts of the chats available, as well. The screencasting hangout can be viewed here:...
NEW iLearn Hangout Link
For those of you in the iLearn hangout, here is the NEW link: meet.google.com/eyd-ygjy-dqu. Fingers crossed this one will work!
iLearn Upgrades
For about the next hour, connectivity to iLearn will be intermittent, due to upgrades on the server. Thank you for your patience while we try to improve your iLearn experience.
iLearn and Google Classroom Quick Links
While we are working on a unique and personalized learning experience for our staff, if you are struggling or have a quick question about iLearn (Moodle) or Google Classroom, please visit the following sites. They are very helpful and thorough. Click on either image...