What Does Good Technology Integration Look Like?

by | Nov 4, 2022 | Transforming Learning | 0 comments

Bob Harrison

What does good technology integration look like?

One of the biggest barriers to good teaching might be the inability for the practitioner to visualize good teaching. In order to do this, it is extremely helpful for teachers to have models and exemplar to observe and examine.

Chromebook to student ratio

Learning Standards

Student Learning

Updates and examples

The New Tech Plan

At the most recent meeting of Curriculum Council, the district’s latest technology plan was approved. This was the first update to the technology plan in nearly 10 years. Much has changed since the last plan was approved in 2012. Here’s a look at what technology integration looks like in 2022 in some particular content areas. Each video is around 1 minute long and can provide insights into the role that technology plays in modern classrooms. I have arranged them by content areas for relevance, but each idea is transferable to other content areas.

Technology integration examples


Creating originals and remixed works



Managing your digital footprint



Creative Communication



Learning Goals



Seeking feedback to improve practice



Managing personal data to maintain digital privacy



Developing and testing prototypes



Using a deliberate design process



Evaluating the accuracy and perspective of information


want more? Here’s the full list…

Bob Harrison

Bob Harrison

Instructional Technology Coach

Bob Harrison is the secondary Instructional Technology Coach for the Dearborn Public Schools. He has over 23 years of experience teaching science in high school and middle school, and has supported teachers, administrators, and students as the Tech Coach since 2015.

Bob is a member of ISTE and a participant in multiple online professional learning networks of instructional technology specialists. He tweets regularly from @bharrisonEDU, and co-hosts the podcast ArchiTECHs of Learning, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher.

Contact Bob at harrisr@dearbornschools.org.


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