We all know that, by definition, technology solves problems. But when it comes to the classroom, merely adding technology to the mix doesn’t necessarily solve anything.
It’s only the combination of good teaching + technology that can really make any difference.
Conscientious teachers always have problems they’re trying to solve. They may be small or large-scale. Admittedly, some are self-induced. But most of the problems we encounter are the result of the realities of the system we work within. Some of the problems I’ve faced or seen others try to tackle include:
- How do I give timely feedback to 150 students every day?
- How can I truly help students become engaged in meaningful work?
- How do I make sure resources are available to kids without “enabling” them?
- How do I keep these kids from cheating on my tests?
- How do I use less paper?
We have to realize, however, that some of the problems we face in our classrooms are not our problems at all (like “How do I use less paper?”). But we are still held accountable for them to a certain extent because we simply don’t have unlimited physical resources. Nevertheless, attempting to solve the problem with good teaching + technology can result in long-term gains for students. Going paperless by replacing some paper activities with pedagogically sound technology-infused activities, for instance, can satisfy our principal’s budget. Even more importantly, however, kids who have been freed from thinking that nothing is “easy” unless it’s on paper will now have opened doors in their thinking to a literal world of resources, and have skills to collect, curate, and fashion them to enhance their learning.
Challenge us
The Tech Coaches serve Dearborn teachers with a set of tricks, tools, and ways of thinking, along with a combined 40 years of teaching experience. We invite you to challenge us: What’s your instructional problem? Let’s partner in solving problems with good teaching + technology for the sake of our kids, their learning, and maybe even our own sanity.
Fill out the Tech Coach Appointment Form and let’s get started solving our instructional problems.
Coaching Teachers To Become Powerful Users of Classroom Tech. (2019, January 11). Retrieved from https://www.kqed.org/mindshift/52648/coaching-teachers-to-become-powerful-users-of-classroom-tech