5 Nearpod Activities

by | Apr 26, 2022 | Transforming Learning | 0 comments

As you know, one edtech tool available for teachers is Nearpod. Think of Nearpod as an interactive presentation tool that allows for embedded formative assessment, which can be utilized both synchronously and asynchronously.

Here are 5 common activities that can be accomplished with Nearpod, courtesy of the folks at Nearpod:

Our district currently has a district subscription, which allows teachers to access the Nearpod library, containing hundreds of ready-made lessons and activities.

But remember…

Also remember that how you’re using Nearpod–or any edtech tool–is important. Technology should always be used in ways that create better opportunities for students, and we should always reflect carefully on whether our use of technology in the classroom is actually helping students learn. Nearpod can and should help you to accomplish objectives in line with the MITECS and ISTE Standards for Students.

For more ideas, use-cases, or to collaborate and reflect together, reach out to the Tech Coaches!

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