Kami Installation for Staff and Students

by | Jan 27, 2021 | Transforming Learning | 2 comments

If you haven’t already heard, the district has purchased Kami licenses for our users. Before being able to access Kami, staff and students may have to follow these steps:

1.  Every user must use the Chrome browser with the Kami extension installed.  There are links to install Kami on both Student and Staff Portal pages on our website.

2. Kami appears in the Schoology Assignments page *magically* with no intervention on our part.  It may require that the user has logged into Kami at least once to create their account.

3. If multiple students use a computer and they run into issues with turning in assignments with Kami, you need to make sure the right student is logged into Kami. Clicking the Kami extension in the browser opens a Kami dashboard page and they can see the user logged in by the account in the upper right corner of that page.

The district is also offering PD on using Kami in the classroom. Check out the BIG Technology PD for Teachers course in Schoology for available offerings. And as always, the Tech Coaches are here to support you. Feel free to set up a Tech Coach appointment with us!

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