As you may be aware, the technology re-opening committee voted to adopt Schoology as the district’s new LMS (learning management system). For teachers who are familiar with other LMSes, like Moodle or Canvas, many of your skills are transferable. You might be familiar with what an LMS can do, it’s just a matter of finding the feature in the new system. Setting up your course in a new LMS is kinda like cooking in someone else’s kitchen or doing a building project in someone else’s workshop: many of the tools and utensils are there, you just don’t know what shelf or cupboard they’re in. Some tools will be absent, and there may be some utensils you don’t know how to use.
While we wait for our Schoology site to be set up by the folks at PowerSchool, it might be worth your while to start finding your way around. Here’s a great video intro to everything you need to get started on Schoology. If you view the video on YouTube, you will find the sections of the video indexed in the details below the video, for quick navigation and reference later on.