Digital Classrooms are Taking Miller by Storm!

by | Oct 25, 2015 | Transforming Education | 1 comment

At Miller Elementary, Shelly Klan and Iman Hammoud have their classrooms up and running using Google Classroom.  Shelly’s first graders made science predictions using the question module, while Iman’s third graders used the assignment module to complete a writing assignment comparing fiction and non-fiction.  Both teachers marveled at how easy it is to create activities for their students using Google Classroom.  They also commented on how engaged the students are while inside the digital classroom.

Meanwhile, in fourth grade, teachers Jennifer Burgess, Hella Mohamed, and Jennifer Burek are all utilizing iLearn in their classrooms.  Using the Glossary module, the teachers had the students choose words from a list of science terms, look up the definition using an online dictionary, and enter the definition.  Next, they searched for an image that would help describe their term, and inserted that into the glossary.  Some even included captions!  And finally, some students were able to locate video links related to their terms and they inserted those into their glossary as well.  Now every time students come across one of the science words in their iLearn class, it will be a clickable hyperlink that will take them right to the glossary page and the definition and image of the term!

The fourth grade teachers have also used the assignment module for writing assignments and are looking forward to using the quiz module to give online quizzes.

Miller certainly has showed great gains in the utilization of technology.  Great job!

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